
Fifty Shades of Grey for Leaders

Posted by on Nov 4, 2012 in Leadership | Comments Off on Fifty Shades of Grey for Leaders

Fifty Shades of Grey for Leaders

Cristian was recently promoted to manager of the accounting department as a result of his remarkable performance, organizational skills, and ability to develop new processes. He is known for being a caring, warm, and cordial team player who was well liked by his colleagues. He has worked as a peer with six people on the team for the past three years. One of his team members, Ana, who has been with the company for almost ten years, had also applied for the same promotion but did not get it. Ana has now become jealous and bitter and is focused...

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Why Your Employees Don’t Change after Training

Posted by on Aug 7, 2012 in Leadership | Comments Off on Why Your Employees Don’t Change after Training

Why Your Employees Don’t Change after Training

Her name was “Negative Nancy.” She complained about everything and always looked at the downside of her job. In meetings, her responses to her co-workers were “that won’t work, we’ve always done things this way,” or “that’s not my job.” Nancy’s manager, Tom, decided to send her to a training seminar called “Communicating with Difficult People.” After attending the training and returning to work, Nancy made a negative remark about one of her colleagues in a regular scheduled team meeting. What happened? Was the training a total waste of time and money? After training thousands of supervisors, managers,...

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Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Manager

Posted by on Jul 3, 2012 in Leadership | Comments Off on Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Manager

Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Manager

Act like a leader and think like a manager. Really? Shouldn”t it be the other way around? No, because leadership is action, period! And if you don”t remember anything else from this article, remember that people judge you by your “actions,” not your thoughts or “intentions.” When it comes to leadership and management, many people mistakenly believe they are one and the same. Not knowing the difference and taking specific actions can cause teams to become disengaged, create a hostile work environment, and obtain minimum commitment and performance from people. As a result, people do just enough to...

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4 Things Leaders Must Do to Bring the Best Out Of People

Posted by on Apr 21, 2012 in Leadership | Comments Off on 4 Things Leaders Must Do to Bring the Best Out Of People

4 Things Leaders Must Do to Bring the Best Out Of People

According to a survey by the Conference Board, a global market research firm, most of today”s employees in the workplace dislike their jobs. In addition, a survey conducted by Right Management, a division of Manpower, illustrated that 60% of employees intend to leave their jobs when the economy improves. It”s no secret that the majority of today”s employees are unmotivated and disengaged in the workplace and their disengagement according to the Gallup organization costs employers roughly $300 billion annually. What can organizations, managers and leaders do to create a workplace environment where employees are inspired to perform? Based...

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The Fabulous Four Qualities of Top Performing Teams (Part 1)

Posted by on Apr 21, 2012 in Leadership | Comments Off on The Fabulous Four Qualities of Top Performing Teams (Part 1)

The Fabulous Four Qualities of Top Performing Teams (Part 1)

What is it that makes certain people in a company or organization come together and accomplish extraordinary things? How can a team of people who may only be average performers individually, produce remarkable results when they work together? How do they consistently exceed expectations every year and have the audacity to set even higher goals, all while having fun as they work? Throughout my training experiences and discussions with thousands of supervisors, managers, directors and senior executives, I have realized that there are four things these workplace winners have in common: Shared Purpose, Open Communication, Trust and an...

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