The Making of a Culturally Competent Leader

Every person on your team has views of the world and the people in it that are a direct result of their social upbringing. Unless you spend time immersed in other cultures, it’s difficult to see your own cultural norms and understand other’s cultural differences. From learning how to listen and understand your coworkers and customers, to knowing how your colleagues work or learn differently from you, cultural competence is an essential leadership quality.
Cultural competence has quickly become one of the most requested training topics. Join managers and leaders worldwide on the journey of developing an in-depth understanding of personal biases and commitment to neutralizing biases. This training will help you discover the historical and current events that cause others to see the world differently and become aware of the institutional barriers faced by others.
Developing cultural competence and understanding how to work through people differences (rather than resisting them) will unlock the potential of your employees. It requires being humble enough to recognize the need for understanding and empathy.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn:
- Developing Cultural Competence at any Level
- Understand the 4 Components of Cultural Competence
- Identifying Stages of Cultural Competence Development
- Minimizing Cross-Cultural Conflicts, and Misunderstandings