The Leadership Virus
Inspire, Influence and Infect People with Energy and Enthusiasm
A customized on-site training based on the newly released book by best-selling author, James Bird Guess, working professionals will discover how to lead from where they are and inspire and influence performance at any level. Whether its managing up to your boss and other authority figures, or working to influence unmotivated and negative coworkers, you will gain an in-depth perspective on what makes people tick and how to get desired results regardless of your title or level of authority. You can’t change people, but you can change how you respond to people, which may change how they respond to you— be a virus and infect them!
Here’s a sample of training outcomes:
• Building Your Personal Credibility to Positively Infect Your Colleagues
• Apply the Feedback Filter for Tactful Communication with Coworkers
• 3 Ways to Increase Collaboration and Create Win-Win Outcomes
• Understand the 4 Types of Employees (Passionate, Professional, Paycheck and Problem)
• 4 Keys for Making a Positive Workplace Culture Contagious
• Replicating Rapport and Reciprocity for Healthy Workplace Relationships
• Dealing with “Resistors” and “By-standers” during Workplace Change and More!